Adolescence and factors of risk to the consume of drugs


  • Emilio Sanchez Hervas Dpto. Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamientos psicológicos. Universidad de Valencia.
  • Enrique Berjano Peirats Dpto. Metodología, Psicobiología y Psicología Social. Universidad de Valencia.


Adolescence, drugs, addiction, factors of risk.


In the article it’s revised the importance of the social factors of risk to the use and abuse of drugs. It’s assumed that the factors of risk may be either a cause or a consequence in the beginning of drug consume. The more factors of risk are expose to teenagers, the higher the probability that consume stars. Once begun the consume, the use of drugs becomes more frequent and it tends to rise the exposition to the factors of risk. This can lead to higher levels of consume, including the introduction into the use of the psicoactive substances


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How to Cite

Sanchez Hervas, E., & Berjano Peirats, E. Adolescence and factors of risk to the consume of drugs. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (64), 53–62. Retrieved from