La Selección de Personal Comercial en Empresas Aseguradas


  • Rodrigo Tarín Rodrigo Psicólogo Clínico Centro de Terapia de Conducta. IPSAVAN. Instituto de Psicología Social Avanzada.
  • Sergio Meri Medina Psicólogo Clínico Centro de Terapia de Conducta. IPSAVAN. Instituto de Psicología Social Avanzada.
  • Francisco Román Rojas Psicólogo Clínico Centro de Terapia de Conducta. IPSAVAN. Instituto de Psicología Social Avanzada.


Personnel Selection, Personnel Promotion, Models, Independent Variables, Dependent Variables, Regre- sión Analysis, Correlatinal Analysis, Factor Analysis, Secondary Factor


The research is done with the purpose of designing both selection and promotion in an insurance companies contexto So, it is chosen a 32 subject sample who belongs to a wide range of insurance companies placed in Valencia. The independ variables are such as: personality, motivation and salesmens' attitudes. On the oder hand, the dependent variables are: sales and time in wich a salesman is working as an insurance salesman.
An correlatinal analysis is done to study the relations between these set of variables. Besides a regresion analysis is done wich allows us to get fou r different models. Finally, a secondary factor analysis is done about the personality scores in order to deepen un the understanding of the salesman's personality.


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How to Cite

Tarín Rodrigo, R., Meri Medina, S., & Román Rojas, F. La Selección de Personal Comercial en Empresas Aseguradas. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (58), 37–43. Retrieved from