Lo que hay de ideología en la psicología o, ¿la psicología es ideología?


  • Juan Fernández Blanco Psicólogo del Centro de Rehabilitación Psicosocial de Alcalá de Henares. Centro de Rehabilitación Pstcosocial,


Ideology. Psychology. Psychological practices. Socio-cultural. Persono Behaviour.


Many people, even professionals, thinks that Psychology, or the things that the psychologists do, are nothing but Ideology. In this paper we discuss this opinion. Our thesis is that, from an epistemological pint of view, Psychology and Ideology are incomprables. But we must recognize that some ideological aspects can contaminate the speech and the practical work of the psychologist.


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How to Cite

Fernández Blanco, J. Lo que hay de ideología en la psicología o, ¿la psicología es ideología?. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (58), 55–60. Retrieved from https://informaciopsicologica.info/revista/article/view/1026