Investigación sobre el concepto de discapacitados físicos en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de Valencia


  • Carmen Barrachina Segura Responsable del S. de O.F. del Vicerectorado de Estudiantes.
  • Mª Angeles Perez Muñoz Alumna de 5º Curso de Psicología
  • Cristina Abellán Pérez Alumna de 5º Curso de Psicología
  • Mª Isabel Ruiz Hernández Alumna de 5º Curso de Psicología
  • Pedro José Montilla Olivares Alumno de 4º Curso de Psicología


Fundamental to achieving full integration of handicapped people into the university, is the need to change the attitudes off both-faculty and students- to a more understanding leve!.
For this reason, it was decided to analyse the attitudes and prejudices that ablebodied students may have about the disabled.
To gain feedback, a radon sample of 127 students belonging to the third grades of various high schools within university of Valencia, were sent a specially created questionnaire.


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How to Cite

Barrachina Segura, C., Perez Muñoz, M. A., Abellán Pérez, C., Ruiz Hernández, M. I., & Montilla Olivares, P. J. Investigación sobre el concepto de discapacitados físicos en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de Valencia. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (56), 14–19. Retrieved from