La terapia familiar en la esquizofrenia


  • Roberto Pereira Tercero Médico Psiquiatra. Servicio Vasco de Salud-Osakidetza.


Schizophrenia, Family Therapy, Integrated Treatrnents .


Schizophrenia and Family Therapy (FT) walk linked from the beginning to the last one. It ca n be asserted FT born like the need to find a solution to Schizophrenia. From pioneers authors, to last contributions, it has been done several proposals, but by thernselves were not successful, or their efficacy was limited.

The aim of this paper is make a review of the differents propositions, defending finally the need to do an integrated approach, not only inside FT field, but also in the more wide of Psychiatry.


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How to Cite

Pereira Tercero, R. La terapia familiar en la esquizofrenia. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (48), 17–21. Retrieved from