La represión del goce en el niño y la automarginación sexual


  • Xavier Serrano Hortelano Psicólogo Clínico. Orgonterapeuta Didacta de la S.E.O.R y Trainer de Vegatoterapia caracteroanalítica. Director de la Escuela Española de Terapia Reichiana y de la revista "Energía, carácter y sociedad"


Sexuality, the capacity for pleasure, and the expression of vitality of the organism takes on various forms throughout the life of the individual. Developmental hinderance ofthese forms, above al in pregenital period produces suffering in the child and sets the stage in which the individual marginalizes his own capacity for enjoyment (pleasure).

I am putting forth this biological thesis stressing the importance of infantile sexuality, reexamining this concept from a Post Reichian vision.


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How to Cite

Serrano Hortelano, X. La represión del goce en el niño y la automarginación sexual. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (46), 50–52. Retrieved from