Psicodiagnóstico: Inclusión de la lectura del cuerpo y su motilidad expresiva


  • Mikel García Médico y Psicólogo. Orgonterapeuta de la ESTER-SEOR.


The checking of clinical and experimental test, allows us to come to the conclusion that the psychological behavior is the result of the interaction between the central nervous system, the neurovegetative and the neuromuscular system.

The neuromuscular activity is inherent to the emotion, cognition and perception. Therefore, a corporal checking, can be as good, and even better, as a personality test lo make a diagnostic of the structure and psychodynamics of personality.

Taking Wilhelm Reich as a starting point, is described the how and why the body takes part in the therapeutic work, within the deep psychotherapy and leads us to the so-called technique « Vegetotherapy Characteroanalitic», in which the unconscious is reached through the body, considering also, the elemental psychoanalytical basics .

The corporal semiology and the methodological evolution of the post-Reich movement are also detailed in order to make a differential diagnostic of the psychological structure, psychotic , borderline or neurotic of the patient.


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How to Cite

García, M. Psicodiagnóstico: Inclusión de la lectura del cuerpo y su motilidad expresiva. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (46), 57–60. Retrieved from