Applied sport psychology. Cuban experience


  • Francisco Enrique García Ucha
  • Juan Antonio Martínez Mesa



Applied sport psychology, motivation, experimental method, sportsman


The purpose of this work is to expose the mishaps and mediators that give rise to sport psychology applied in Cuba. Its emergence was about the 60´s and it was attested at the beginning of 70´s to nowadays to give the solutions to demands of Cuban high performance sport, having a significant contribution in a psychological way in teams and athletes’ participation in competitions more important at national and international sphere, during 40 years. It is exposed the efforts to guarantee the psychologists´ professional competence in tasks placement, and the determination in forming and developing  athletes’ social motivations and the assumption of the applied theoretical and practical focus that gave rise to revitalize athletes´ physical and psychological reserves, the use of the experimental method that allows to know theathletes’ psychological answers to a greater training and sport preparation for a suitable control and direction of plan and implementation of sport preparation plans.


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How to Cite

García Ucha, F. E., & Martínez Mesa, J. A. (2014). Applied sport psychology. Cuban experience. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (108), 31–44.