Study of social and anti-social behaviour. Comparison between children and adolescents who practiced and not practiced sport


  • Antonia Pelegrín Muñoz
  • Enrique J. Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz
  • Enrique Cantón Chirivella


Aggression, antisocial behavior, criminal personality, sports, children, adolescents, gender


In this paper, we present a study of prosocial and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents who play sports and do not practice with the aim of analyzing the relationship between emotional and social variables with sociodemographic variables and determine the relationship of prosocial behaviors, antisocial and criminal, with the sport. To this end, a questionnaire was developed to measure ad hoc sociodemographic variables and sports, and three personality questionnaires: The Personality Questionnaire EPQ-J, the Socialization Battery Self-BAS-3 and AD Questionnaire, antisocial behavior and crime. The study sample consisted of 507 participants, belonging to primary and secondary schools (public) from different municipalities of the Region of Murcia (Spain). Among the findings highlighted that in 13 to 15 years, there is a greater risk of developing emotional and social problems that tend to show more antisocial and criminal behavior. Also found gender differences, with the group of boys who had higher social maladjustment. And the sample of young people in sport, showed fewer aggressive behaviors and attitudes and deviant behaviors and more outgoing, considerate, respectful, disciplined and were perceived as more popular and safe. From the data collected in this work should continue to insist on knowing and analyze to what extent the practice of a sport and its specific characteristics, could be factors in preventing aggressive and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents, especially among young 13 to 15 years to establish strategies for action through sport, from schools and sports schools.


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How to Cite

Pelegrín Muñoz, A., Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz, E. J., & Cantón Chirivella, E. (2014). Study of social and anti-social behaviour. Comparison between children and adolescents who practiced and not practiced sport. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (99), 64–78. Retrieved from