The process of understanding of the origin: from the revelation to the search


  • Montserrat Freixa Blanxart
  • Cristina Negre Masia


Revelation, vital cycle, origin, identity, search of ones origin.


The process of comprehending one’s origin is fundamental for any adopted person. As indicated by the word “process,” this entails moving forward, and in order to do this correctly, it is essential that the stages that precede comprehension have been adequately developed.
During the vital cycle of the adopted person, the issue of origin, intertwined with identity, is one of the key issues to develop and integrate. During childhood one begins to collect specific information about one’s own history – information that is mainly transmitted by the adoptive parents, the so
called revelation. With the passing of time, the development of the person and the increase of cognitive capabilities, doubts about this matter shift and become more elaborate and complex until the adopted person reaches adulthood, when he or she must carry out the process of identifying with both sets of parents (adoptive and biological) so as to be able to build himself or herself as a person integrating a dual family reality.


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How to Cite

Freixa Blanxart, M., & Negre Masia, C. (2014). The process of understanding of the origin: from the revelation to the search. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (98), 12–19. Retrieved from

