Analysis of Attitudes toward Prostitution in adolescents and Motives for Consumption.


  • Mariela Velikova Dimitrova Universidad Miguel Hernández
  • Maite Martín-Aragón Gelabert
  • María del Carmen Terol Cantero Universidad Miguel Hernández
  • Carolina Vázquez Rodríguez Universidad Miguel Hernández



Prostitution, Woman, Adolescents, Atittudes


Prostitution is a complex but poorly researched social phenomenon. The social impact of the issue indicates the importance of addressing it from an early stage, such as adolescence, therefore, this study aims to assess the adolescents’ thoughts on different motivations for prostitution consumption, and up to what extent they predict their attitudes in this regard. The sample consisted of 615 adolescents from public and subsidized centers in the province of Alicante. An ad-hoc questionnaire is used on Motives for the Consumption of Prostitution (Martin-Aragón, Terol, Domínguez and López-Andújar, 2019) and the Scale of Attitudes towards Prostitution (Levin and Peled, 2016, adapted by Brotons, Martin- Aragón and Terol; 2016) is used. The results show that the boys compared to the girls were in greater agreement with the reasons for the consumption of prostitution, and consider prostitution to a greater extent as a personal choice. These results show the need to sensitize adolescents to the phenomenon of prostitution to facilitate the change of a system of gender relations based on sexism, violence, and male domination.


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How to Cite

Velikova Dimitrova, M., Martín-Aragón Gelabert, M., Terol Cantero, M. del C., & Vázquez Rodríguez , C. (2021). Analysis of Attitudes toward Prostitution in adolescents and Motives for Consumption. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (121), 71–84.

