Mindfulness and body awareness in women with an eating disorder


  • Candela Fernández Alcaraz CREA. Centro de Recuperación Emocional y Alimentaria
  • María José Quiles Sebastian Departamento de Ciencias del Comportamiento y Salud Universidad Miguel Hernández CREA. Centro de Recuperación Emocional y Alimentaria
  • Yolanda Quiles Departamento de Ciencias del Comportamiento y SaludUniversidad Miguel HernándezCREA. Centro de Recuperación Emocional y Alimentaria




eating disorders, mindful eating, women, body awareness, descriptive study


People with an ED find it difficult to feel or recognise body signals as they have an emotional blockage accompanied by obsessive thoughts about weight, food and body. The aim of the study is describe in a group of women with an ED the variables body awareness and dissociation, conscious attitude, non-judgement, cognitive restriction, anxious/depressive symptomatology and eating styles, to relate these variables to each other and finally to analyse if there are differences with a general population group. Regarding the methodology, is a descriptive study of a transversal nature. An incidental sampling was carried out and 31 women diagnosed with ED with a mean age of 30,32 (SD=11,19) and 66 women from the general population participated, with sociodemographic characteristics equivalent to those of the patient group, where the mean age was 28,97 (SD=9,75). DASS-21, FFMQ-E, TFEQ-R18, DEBQ, SBC and an ad hoc socio-demographic questionnaire were used for evaluation. Regarding the results, there are significant differences between the ED group and the general population group in the variables uncontrolled eating (p=,003), restrictive diet (p=,001), emotional eating (p=,001) and external eating (p=,001). As a conclusion, the results suggest the relevance of including interventions focused on mindful eating in these patients.


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How to Cite

Fernández Alcaraz, C., Quiles Sebastian, M. J., & Quiles, Y. (2021). Mindfulness and body awareness in women with an eating disorder. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (121), 58–70. https://doi.org/10.14635/IPSIC.2021.121.8

