Family and educational needs of students during COVID-19 confinement.
COVID-19, special educational needs, family needs, school children, family well-being.Abstract
The aim of the present study was to study the psychological impact of home confinement by COVID-19 on Spanish schoolchildren and their families. Ninety parents participated, 90% of whom were mothers. Of the children, 84% attended primary school. Sociodemographic and psycho-pedagogical variables were assessed, as well as life satisfaction, emotional intelligence, coping strategies, emotional state and data related to COVID-19 (impact, information, resources and measures taken). A cross-sectional study was carried out though an online survey in coordination with the guidance departments of the participating schools. Descriptive and mean comparison analyses were performed. The results indicate a positive perception of parents regarding the academic performance of their children during confinement, but negative regarding the measures taken in relation to COVID-19 by the responsible entities. Parents also perceive as insufficient the resources and information related to COVID-19 provided by these entities during the confinement. A greater psychological impact is observed in the families of younger schoolchildren, and a lesser psychological impact in families whose children receive hearing and language therapy sessions.
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