Romantic competence during the courtship process: a descriptive study


  • Carmen Viejo Universidad de Córdoba
  • Noemí Toledano Universidad de Córdoba
  • Mercedes Gómez-López Universidad de Córdoba
  • Rosario Ortega-Ruiz Universidad de Córdoba



Adolescence, dating, relationship quality, social competence


Successful adolescent romantic relationships depend on the mastery of certain bidirectional skills that require individual and interpersonal development, such as skills for the beginning of the relationship, to be assertive and say no, for selfdisclosure, for emotional support and conflict management. In order to analyse the perception that adolescents have of their own abilities - understood as Romantic Competence - at the time of initiating their first relationships, during the courtship process, 513 adolescents (49% boys) aged 13-19 years participated in this study. The results indicated a medium level in the perception of romantic competence, being the ability to share personal information with the person you like (self-disclosure) the one that obtained the lowest scores and the ability to give emotional support the highest. The sex variable barely showed significant differences, where boys and girls reported feeling similarly competent in their romantic relationships. Age indicated to be a variable that affected most of the dimensions, contributing to the development of romantic competence. The results of this descriptive study highlight the need to support young people in their process of romantic maturation and competence development for the formation of high-quality and healthy romantic relationships


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How to Cite

Viejo, C., Toledano, N., Gómez-López, M., & Ortega-Ruiz, R. (2022). Romantic competence during the courtship process: a descriptive study. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (122), 46–62.