Social networks addiction and loneliness in university students from Lima




The study links to social networks addiction and loneliness in university students from Metropolitan Lima. 146 students from private universities in Lima participated, 56.1% were women, between 18 and 30 years old (M=23). The Social Network Addiction Questionnaire (SNA) and the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale were applied. The results indicate that addiction to social networks correlates positively with loneliness, although the dimension lack of control in the use of social network and social loneliness do not reach the level of significance; calculating the strength of de correlations finds that they are relatively low. As soon as the variables are compared by gender, significant differences were only found in the dimension lack of control in the use social networks of the SNA, but not in the other dimension of both instruments. It was found that the most used application is Instagram, that the most used devises are the Smartphone and the laptop and that a little more than 60% of the participants spend more than three hours connected to the internet and social networks daily.


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Author Biographies

Edwin Salas Blas

Doctor en Psicología, dedicado a la docencia universitaria y a la investigación. Enseña asignaturas de Métodos de investigación en general y especialmente a grupos de los últimos años de formación y de post grado, aquellos que dirigen sus actividades a realizar la tesis. Como investigador es reconocido por CONCYTEC y tiene artículos en varias revistas peruanas como del extranjero, Asimismo textos universitarios y capítulos de libros. 

Carlo Marcio Vieira Ipince, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)

Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, interesado en adicciones comportamentales


Por favor considerar en el orden de los autores

Vieira, M., Manzanares, E. y Salas-Blas, E. (...)



How to Cite

Salas Blas, E., Vieira Ipince, . C. M., & Manzanares Medina, E. (2022). Social networks addiction and loneliness in university students from Lima. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (123), 2–14.