Relationship between mood factors and sleep quality in young football players.


  • Raquel Mompean universidad de Murcia
  • María José Candel Carrillo
  • José María Giménez-Egido
  • Aurelio Olmedilla Zafra Universidad de Murcia



Sleep quality, mood, footballers, POMS, PSQI.


The main purpose was to determinate the relationship between mood states and the sleep quality perceived in professional Football Players.  The sample was conformed by 28 participants between 18- and 21-years old belonging to Real Murcia Imperial Football Club team from two categories, Juvenil División de Honor and Tercera División. We used the questionnaire of mood states short form POMS, to measure the mood state and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index to measure the quality of sleep of the football players. The results showed that: a) Poor sleep quality is related to high levels of fatigue and depression in young football players b) The footballers with higher number of sleep disturbances, had higher levels of fatigue and depression c) Daytime dysfunction is related to higher levels of fatigue and depression.


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How to Cite

Mompean, R., Candel Carrillo, M. J., Giménez-Egido, J. M., & Olmedilla Zafra, A. (2023). Relationship between mood factors and sleep quality in young football players . INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (124), 47–58.