Emotional education in morvedre handball


  • Ana Corrales Camuñas
  • José Joaquín García Lluch
  • Pascual José Sales Rubio




Emotional education, emotional intelligence, EI, emotions, sport.


The article describes an experience in emotional education in sport, specifically with eleven players of a female children’s handball team. The main objective is to integrate emotional education throughout the competition, with a weekly task for each match or sport session, which is done individually through emotional workbooks developed for the intervention and that are the basis for brief group dynamics. The TMMS-24 and EAF questionnaires were used for pre and post evaluation of the intervention, the results of which showed significant changes in variables such as attitude towards hard play and victory, as well as in emotional attention. This way of proceeding with the booklets, allowed a better use of the players’ time in the sports facilities, since long sessions with the psychologist are not necessary, and in the absence of a psychologist, they offer the possibility of involving the coaches and the parents on scheduled homework.


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How to Cite

Corrales Camuñas, A., García Lluch, J. J. ., & Sales Rubio, P. J. (2023). Emotional education in morvedre handball. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (124). https://doi.org/10.14635/ipsic.1943