Women, video games and esports: a systematic review
videogames, esports, gender stereotype, gender equalityAbstract
The objective of this work is to carry out a systematic review on the current status of women in video games and esports. Following the PRISMA methodology, documentary searches were carried out in a recent period of time, between 2017 and September 15, 2022. A total of 98 articles were obtained in the Science Direct, PubMed and PsycINFO databases. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 17 scientific articles on the subject were analyzed. The results show, among other data, that almost half of women play video games, although they are a minority in esports. A situation of inequality is observed for women, with certain positive stereotyped characteristics towards men and negative towards women, marked by behaviors, prejudices and cultural discrimination, predominantly sexist towards women, which represent obstacles that limit their access and development, facilitate the abandonment and loss of opportunity of the social and psychological benefits that they entail, including, being able to affect the mental health and well-being of women. It is concluded that there is an urgent need to carry out more research and actions to promote change, educate in values and transform the culture of video games, as well as enhance psychological resources and improve video game skills and competitiveness in women.
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