Psychosocial risks and their consequences in the nonuniversity teaching sector in the province of Valencia


  • Juana Sánchez-Piernas Universidad de Valencia
  • José Luis Llorca-Rubio Universidad de Valencia
  • Marta Llorca-Pellicer Universidad de Valencia
  • Pedro Gil-LaOrden Universidad de Valencia



Psychosocial risks, teachers, role dysfunction, workload, UNIPSICO battery.


The objective was to identify the most prevalent psychosocial risks in a sample of non-university teachers, and to analyze which are the most important predictors for each of the consequences. The sample consisted of 7 653 nonuniversity teaching workers, with an average age of 45 years, of which 72.60 % were women using the scales that are part of the UNIPSICO battery (Unidad de Investigación Psicosocial de la Conducta Organizacional), and performing a descriptive analysis, correlations, and linear regression.

The most prevalent risks for high risk were for Emotional work (35.46%) for the demand variables, and lack of resources (40.68%) for the resource variables, and for the consequences in Health problems (38.02%). Job satisfaction was positively associated with resource availability, burnout with workload, and health problems with workload. The most important predictors of health problems were Role conflict and Workload; for Job Satisfaction, the most important predictors were Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity and for Burnout the most important predictors were Role Conflict and Workload. As the most important conclusions was found that Role dysfunctions and Workload are the most important predictors of the consequences obtained in the analyzed sample



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How to Cite

Sánchez-Piernas, J., Llorca-Rubio, J. L. ., Llorca-Pellicer, M., & Gil-LaOrden, P. . (2024). Psychosocial risks and their consequences in the nonuniversity teaching sector in the province of Valencia. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (125-126), 31–46.