Accompaniment and Intervention from Affirmative Psychology in a Case of Transphobia.


  • Andrea Mezquida Ortega Psicóloga



Transsexuals, identity, gender transition, therapeutic process, patient.


This article analyzes through a clinical case, the reality that many transsexual people (or any person who is part of the LGTB+ collective) suffer throughout their developmental stages and, especially, from the moment they communicate how they feel and what their true identity is; as well as, the moment they decide, if so, to initiate the process of gender transition. It is centered on an individual intervention with a patient who asks for professional help in a very desperate situation and in which different contexts, situations and areas of their life are evaluated (the family area, the social area and the romantic area), in which the manifestation of their situation is invisibilized or denied and, therefore, discriminated against. Subsequently, the results obtained from the therapeutic process and the improvements achieved in the patient are presented, as well as her total involvement in the therapy and in the tasks assigned to her in each of the sessions. Finally, the efficacy of Affirmative Psychology is analyzed and what lines of research would be important to work on in the future in order to approach these cases in a more comprehensive and effective way.


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How to Cite

Mezquida Ortega, A. (2024). Accompaniment and Intervention from Affirmative Psychology in a Case of Transphobia. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (125-126), 84–99.