Systematic Review of Child to Parent Violence Intervention and Prevention Programmes


  • Míriam Molina Espí 46/10895248/54T



efficacy, intervention, prevention, behaviour problems, child to parent violence.


This study aims to review the intervention and prevention programs in CPV with evidence of their effectiveness. A search for studies published until 2021 was carried out, obtaining a sample of 24 articles, through the PRISMA methodology. The results indicate that the evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs running in different fields of application is inconsistent. In addition, prevention line programs have been included, tackling the conflict from behaviour problems, a risk factor for the development of this family conflict.

To conclude, we may say that it exists a little evidence on both intervention and prevention programs in CPV that have evaluated their effectiveness. On the other hand, we have found valid programs and are carried out in different settings. Accordingly, the results presented in this investigation represent an advance and update of the data as well as justify the need to continue focusing scientific research on the evaluation of the programs that are being carried out, emphasizing the need to carry out longitudinal studies that allow ratifying the effectiveness of programs referred.



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How to Cite

Molina Espí, M. (2024). Systematic Review of Child to Parent Violence Intervention and Prevention Programmes. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (127), 11–19.