Therapeutic and Socio-Educational Intervention Proposal. in a Case of Filio-Parental Violence


  • Raquel Gallego González Fundación Amigó. Universidad Internacional de Valencia
  • Miriam Hermida Álvarez
  • Aroa González Álvarez



Cases of child to parent violence have increased significantly in recent years. This issue has generated a growing interest at both a social and scientific level, however, the experiences of intervention carried out to date are still scarce. With the aim of providing a preventive response, the Conviviendo Project was created as a specialised resource for intervention, prevention and awareness of child to parent violence. The aim of this article is to explain how the project works through the presentation of a case dealt with in the resource. It describes the personal, family and social situation obtained through the assessment; the therapeutic objectives and the activities carried out. The main results achieved reveal a reduction of psychological child-parental violence, an extinction of physical child-parental violence and a decrease of family conflict. Finally, practical implications and limitations are discussed and future lines of intervention and research are proposed.


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How to Cite

Gallego González, R., Hermida Álvarez, M., & González Álvarez, A. (2024). Therapeutic and Socio-Educational Intervention Proposal. in a Case of Filio-Parental Violence. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (127), 46–53.