Study of the vigorexic psychological profile in sport


  • Enrique Cantón Chirivella
  • Francisco Revert Ferrero
  • Alfonso Chávez Valdés


Sport Psychology, addiction, vigorexia.


An empirical preliminary study, of descriptive- correlational type has been carried out. The aim is to come closer to the psychological profile of those addicted to sports practice, specially, those training musculation with weight. This addiction is characterized for the high number of hours on training; they support an unbalanced diet with excess of proteins and, in many cases, linked to doping, abusing substances like steroid and similar substances. This behavorial alteration is known as vigorexia’s disorder.
In the study, athletes who were fulfilling certain requirements of type and quantity of training, have been evaluated in order to know better their psychological profile. Variables such as autoesteem, social skills or corporal image are evaluated , by a procedure that includes a self-elaboration anamnesis and two questionnaires: Scale of Social Skills (Gismero, E., 2000) and the Inventory of Disorders of the Food Conduct (Garner, D.M., 1998). Results go alongside conclusions obtained in previous works, as low levels of autoesteem or corporal dissatisfaction of these sportsmen. This information may help us to give better advice to these sportsmen and to trainers or gymnastic directors in order to stop as much as possible someone going on these unhealthy practices. Likewise, difficulties to obtain this information and possible limitations of this type of field study are indicated.


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How to Cite

Cantón Chirivella, E., Revert Ferrero, F., & Chávez Valdés, A. (2008). Study of the vigorexic psychological profile in sport. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (93), 26–40. Retrieved from