Algunas indicaciones de la Teoría del Apego para la comprensión de los efectos socio-emocionales del maltrato infantil en la primera infancia.


  • Sandra Simó Tefuel


The present study analyses the effects of maltreatment experiences during the first two years of life from the perspective of the attachment theory. All children develop an attachment to their attachment figures about the 12. month of age. It has been observed that the quality of attachment, that is the way in which children regulate proximity and distance to their attachment figures, is related to early quality of interaction. Maternal sensitivity is related to the development of a secure attachment. Insensitive behaviour on the side of the mother is related to an insecure attachment on the side of the child.
Extremely insensitive behaviours provoke disorientation on the side of the child, as well as great difficulties to explore its emotional, cognitive and social context. Attachment theory explains why children that are maltreated by their attachment figure, still develop and maintain their attachment to him or her.


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How to Cite

Simó Tefuel, S. (2015). Algunas indicaciones de la Teoría del Apego para la comprensión de los efectos socio-emocionales del maltrato infantil en la primera infancia. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (82), 21–29. Retrieved from