Ética y Deontología: Tiene algo que decir la Filosofía a la Psicología?


  • Jesús Conill


Ethics, deontology, profession, responsibility, professional Psychology.


This exposition is dedicated to the ethics and to the Deontology related to the psychologist’s profession, subtitled with the question, has anything to say Philosophy to Psychology?

Approaching these two questions, a first section is dedicated to make clear what stands for “ethics” and what does for “deontology”. Following in a second section, the latter will be located at the appropriate context and level into the professionals ethics, into the boundary line of the applied ethics. This approach will be concluded trying to answer in a brief manner (this question would deserve a more extensive treatment in another essay) the question set forth as the subtitle concern upon what has to say Philosophy to Psychology, underlining that Psychology cannot mislay the essential and historical meaning, for the intellect is both essential and historical; and even more because the self understanding is unavoidably, and because it is unavoidably so forth the grounded ethics for the psychological professional exercise.


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How to Cite

Conill, J. Ética y Deontología: Tiene algo que decir la Filosofía a la Psicología?. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (77), 37–41. Retrieved from https://informaciopsicologica.info/revista/article/view/448