Sintonía de valores individuales y profesionales: una reflexión aproximada


  • Rafaela Díaz Villalobos


Deontology, training, profession, Ethics, Values, to be in tube with.


The main aim of my contribution to this round table is to initiate a reflection about some subjets that I consider of interest for the students and professionals jointed to sciences dedicated to the study and knowledge of man, his behavior and his activities in Society.

The starting point is the need of a Ethic Code as a guarantor of the professional interventions and also the need of setting a vigilance in the personal developments in who decided to start in this activity guided by many different motivations. It is necessary that individual values are in tune with the professional ones if we want to get a good professional development. The
philosophy, as a system and as a methodology of thought is an essential tool for getting both needs. «The Philosophy is the use of knowing for man´s advantage» (Abbagnano, 1996).


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How to Cite

Díaz Villalobos, R. Sintonía de valores individuales y profesionales: una reflexión aproximada. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (77), 42–44. Retrieved from