¿Se equivocan las Comisiones Deontológicas?


  • Vicente Bermejo Frígola


Deontology, ethics, behaviour code, professional Psychology, psychologists rule of control, corrective sanction


Are the Deontological Commissions wrong? This is the thread line question from which an exposition of a wide range report concerning the functions and commitments of such commissions is made, about the standards of certain administrative procedure to which its functioning has to be adapted, in case of accepting a complaint or an announcement from a psychologist services user, and about the problems set forth in the diligence of an sanctioning file. There are gathered likewise the legal and legislative sources in which the rules to follow in such situations are grounded.

An hypothesis, widely exposed, illustrates the functioning of the Commission and the normative arguments that compels to impose a collegiate disciplinary sanction related to the exercise of the professional practice. This hypothesis gather several forms of unwilled professional practice and it can be classified as a plaintiff report. The reasons that ground the Psychologist Deontological Code act of injuring are described in detail in this specific hypothesis.

As a whole, the exposition or wide report endeavours, in the first place, to contribute to a better knowledge or an even better information of the deontological duties of Psychology professionals, so that, in the second place, to prevent or even more, to avoid the possibility of a collegiate disciplinary sanction.


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How to Cite

Bermejo Frígola, V. ¿Se equivocan las Comisiones Deontológicas?. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (77), 49–63. Retrieved from https://informaciopsicologica.info/revista/article/view/451