Evolución de conductas adictivas


  • Emilio Sanchéz Hervás
  • Noemí Molina Bou
  • Reyes del Olmo Gurrea
  • Vicente Tomás Gradolí


Assessment, drugs, addictive behaviors.


The assessment of the addictive behaviors has followed agreed parallel process with the need by counting on objective criteria to prove the manner inwhich consume drugs the people.ln spite ofthe difficulties that implies the assessment (and the treatment) ofthis type of patients,they have been produced important advances in the last years:conceptual news,new
technical of measure and diagnosis procedu res that contribute to improve the design of the treatments.
In this article is intended to check the criteria outlined by the diagnostic c1assification systems to the use, the assessment procedures more usedand the principals measured than they would have to be included in the evaluations of the subjects with addiction problems drugs. They are indicated the interview procedures clinical, auto-reports and functional analysis as the
fundamental tools in the assessment of this type of patients.


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How to Cite

Sanchéz Hervás, E., Molina Bou, N., del Olmo Gurrea, R., & Tomás Gradolí, V. Evolución de conductas adictivas. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (76), 68–77. Retrieved from https://informaciopsicologica.info/revista/article/view/498

