Forensic Psychological Evaluation in cases of Gender-Based Violence. Common errors and proposals for improvement


  • Laura Fátima Asensi Pérez Universidad de Alicante
  • Miguel Díez Jorro Universidad de Alicante



Evaluación psicológica, Violencia de género, Informe pericial, Psicología forense, Maltrato habitual


This work consists in a “field review” and a common mistakes compilation detected in psychological-forensic assessments in events of gender-based violence. In our  rofessional experience being forensic psychologist and our daily job, we have found opinions and reports that, in many cases, suffer from methodological rigor, restricting the knowledge ofintimate  partner violence, their manifestations, evolution, victimization and  consequences, leading to inaccurate and iatrogenic interpretations and conclusions. The evaluative mistakes detected will determine recommendations and expert discussions that could not be real about these complicated affairs, that could cause not only secondary victimization effects in women and children but also the psychological expert reports will not fulfil their basic function of expert advice and legal aid. This  explanation about interpretation and evaluative mistakes leads to  different proposals of improvement, specialized training, the use of appropriate assessment protocols and to do expert, structured and  adapted reports to judicial context.


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Author Biographies

Laura Fátima Asensi Pérez, Universidad de Alicante

PDI en el Deptartamento de Psicología de la Salud de la Universidad de Alicante. Miembro del L.O.P.F.(Listado Oficial de Psicólogos Forenses) del Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de la Comunidad Valenciana.

Miguel Díez Jorro, Universidad de Alicante

PDI en el Deptartamento de Psicología de la Salud de la Universidad de Alicante. Miembro del L.O.P.F.(Listado Oficial de Psicólogos Forenses) del Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de la Comunidad Valenciana.



How to Cite

Asensi Pérez, L. F., & Díez Jorro, M. (2016). Forensic Psychological Evaluation in cases of Gender-Based Violence. Common errors and proposals for improvement. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (111), 103–119.