Embarazo, maternidad y malos tratos: Una revisión bibliográfica


  • Elena Soler Herreros
  • Júlia Sepúlveda Sanchís
  • Mª Jesús Hernández Jiménez
  • Amparo Sauri Martínez


Nowadays it's known the violence against women is a social problem that reaches great dimension. The physical and mental effects increased the use of public health care.  During this study based on bibliographic review of  the Iiterature about domestic violence on pregnents women, tries to give a vision of the formal results in relation to the prevalence, the risk factory and physical and mental consequences.


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How to Cite

Soler Herreros, E., Sepúlveda Sanchís, J., Hernández Jiménez, M. J., & Sauri Martínez, A. Embarazo, maternidad y malos tratos: Una revisión bibliográfica. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (75), 24–28. Retrieved from https://informaciopsicologica.info/revista/article/view/529