EL síndrome del cromosoma x frágil: un modelo de intervencion psicoeducativa


  • Beatriz Hernansaiz Cañete
  • Consuelo Claramunt Busó


Fragile - X Chromosome syndrome, psycoeducative intervention.


The Fragile - X Chromosome is a not much known syndrome due to its short incidence on the population. Despite it, it constitutes the first inherit cause of developmental delay and the second chrornosorne’s problem on frequency (after the Down s Syndrome). We introduce a description of its main characteristics, the diagnostic process and the multidisciplinary treatment that must been developed.
We also put forward a model of psychoeducative intervention based on the special educative needs of a definite case, in wich there are collected some of the most important rules for the work with this subjects.


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How to Cite

Hernansaiz Cañete, B., & Claramunt Busó, C. EL síndrome del cromosoma x frágil: un modelo de intervencion psicoeducativa. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (75), 53–59. Retrieved from https://informaciopsicologica.info/revista/article/view/538