Aspectos penales del juego patológico


  • Mónica Moragues Ibánez


Pathological gambling, addiction, psychological valuation, irnputability, semi-imputability, cognitive capability, volitive capability, exemption, attenuating.


The term pathological gambling or ludopathy is already known by most people, but the problems that it may cause are ignored, especially the legal ones. The seriousness of the disease often leads to commit ilegal actions in order to get the money to support the addiction. In this article, firstly, crimes usually associated and which is the evolution of gambler up to that situation are explained. Then, the paper describes the similarities to other addictive behaviors and analyses both legal considerations and the psychological valuation on this matter.


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How to Cite

Moragues Ibánez, M. Aspectos penales del juego patológico. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (75), 72–79. Retrieved from