“Comme l'eau qui coule”: training for informal settings.


  • Mikel Asensio Brouard




informal learning, museum education, training education professionals, professional regulation


The article reflects on the training of professionals of educational psychology, that are formed in informal contexts of learning and teaching. First, we analyze the characteristics that allow us to differentiate between formal and informal learning, based on different opinions and criteria, and to point out the risk of attributing scarce value to the latter compared to the former. It is also argued against the idea that to design educational activities is enough to have a good knowledge about the disciplines. The second part of the text deals with the training of professionals working in informal contexts through the analysis of the three master's degrees in the field of museums and highlights the need to count on other knowledge with learning and teaching. Here the teachers and educational psychologists have a fundamental importance. Finally, it is criticized the homogenization that would regulate the professional field as diverse as that of the informal learnings, the reductionism that would imply to single official teacher, and the way of the accreditation is presented an an alternative. It is postulated that an agreement can be reached on the contributions of educational psychology to informal contexts, and on the training needs of professionals involved in these areas.


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How to Cite

Asensio Brouard , M. (2017). “Comme l’eau qui coule”: training for informal settings. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (113), 70–84. https://doi.org/10.14635/IPSIC.2017.113.7