Actitud en terapia Gestalt con drogodependientes.
Attitude, awareness, here-and-now, responsibility, experience, contact, implication, link, symptom, crisis.Abstract
The aim of this article is one of the most peculiar and interesting aspects of Gestalt Therapy in relation to the work with drug-addicts. It is the attitude of the therapist.
In this respect, the main significant thing is the involvement in the relation person to person. The treatment is understood as a creative process. The independence of the patient is based on his corporal, emotional, mental and social sensitivity, by the global development of his here-andnow awareness, and by the responsibility about his own life.
The therapist, being aware of his own feelings, intuition and know ledges, will be, first of all, a human and transparent companion for the patient, not being hidden from other rules.
Promoting a existential work instead of a merely intellectual one, it will be necessary his implication, that will suppose a direct model of the healthy for the patient.
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