Problemas de fertilidad: Estrategias de afrontamiento y apoyo social


  • Dra. Pilar Sanjuán Suárez Facultad de Psicología. Dpto. de Psicología de la Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológicos. UNED


Infertility, stress, cognitive appraisal, coping strategies, social support.


The objective of the present work is to reveal some evidences that support that the infertility is a life event that imply a great amount of stress for people that has got the parenthood as a central life goal: (1) there are a lot of sources of stress (i.e. diagnostic, medical treatment, fails and economic cost of it); (2) the effects of infertility most frequently mentioned are emotional reactions, feelings of loss of control, effects on self-esteem, identity and beliefs effects, and effects on social relationships; (3) in general, it seems that these effects are more pronounced in women that in men, though both surpass normative groups of reference; (4) as any other stressful experience, cognitive process of appraisal and coping, and social support mediate the psychological adjustment; (5) as to infertility appraisal, data suggest that the more threatening and loss of control is appraised, the more general  distress is produced; (6) with regard to strategies used to cope these problems, results show that to employ the avoidance strategies are related with distress; and (7) the social support of your couple, family, friends, and groups is directly related with well-being.


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How to Cite

Sanjuán Suárez, D. P. Problemas de fertilidad: Estrategias de afrontamiento y apoyo social. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (73), 30–36. Retrieved from