La formación a las familias en proceso de adopción internacional


  • Carmen Forment Planells Psicóloga. Dirección Territorial de Familia y Adopciones. Consellería de Benestar Social. Generalitat Valenciana


International Adoption, Family, Training, Beliefs, Prejudice, Preconceptions, Parenthood, Revelation, Attitude.


The present article describes the experience that is going on in the international adoption candidate families training. The advantages and necessity of this type of action is confirmed because prevention is a basic issue in this context provided that the failures have a high emotional cost for the implicated parts (parents and child).

The Civil Service assumes the responsibility of watching over the supreme interest of the child (the most vulnerable and unprotected one in the relationship)


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How to Cite

Forment Planells, C. La formación a las familias en proceso de adopción internacional. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (72), 10–12. Retrieved from