Panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia, and its treatment. Present vision


  • Consuelo Martínez Valero
  • Miguel J. Perelló del Río
  • Miguel Hernández Viadel


Panic disorder, Agoraphobia, Effective and efficient treatments.


In this work we have focused on progress about panic disorder and agoraphobia. We have taken into account not only the research on treatment, but also aspects related to understanding and classification of these disorders.
With the coming of DSM-V, new horizons arise intended to facilitate research and treatment of these disorders, as well as best practice by professionals responsible for their treatment. It is also expected that it will help the managers responsible for health financing.
We present a summary of current scientific knowledge on panic disorder, with emphasis on epidemiology, diagnostic criteria for panic disorder and agoraphobia, and psychological treatments more effective and efficient than are behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy focus


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How to Cite

Martínez Valero, C., Perelló del Río, M. J., & Hernández Viadel, M. (2013). Panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia, and its treatment. Present vision. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (102), 63–78. Retrieved from