Percepción del profesor y estatus sociométrico en el grupo de iguales.


  • María Jesús Cava
  • Gonzalo Musitu


Sociometric status, rejected children, neglected children, teachers’ perception


The aim of this study is to analyze the teachers’ perception differences of their students in function of the children’s sociometric status –rejected, neglected, popular or average status-. A sample of 537 students of both sexes, whose ages ranged from 10 to 16, and 21 teachers was employed. To get the sociometric groups it was used a sociomecitric questionnaire. Also it was administered the EA-P scale to get the teachers’ perception of their students in academic achievement, future academic success, cooperation in classroom and peer acceptance. Analyses indicate that there is a more positive perception of the popular children and less positive of the rejected and neglected children.


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How to Cite

Cava, M. J., & Musitu, G. Percepción del profesor y estatus sociométrico en el grupo de iguales. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (71), 60–65. Retrieved from