La Tutoría desde la Universidad. Como factor de calidad formativa del “Practicum”


  • Fernando Marhuenda Fluixà Departament de Didàctica i Organització Escolar. Universitat de València.
  • Mª Angeles Molpeceres Pastor Área de Psicología Social. Universitat de València.


Practicum, practice, experiential learning, psychology, academic tutor


The last reform of Psychology undergraduate studies, implemented in the University of Valencia in 1994, regarded for the first time as a compulsory matter in the curriculum a subject called practicum, which entails 240 hours of practice in real work organizations. Several hundreds of students in the last two years have taken part in this educational experience. The practicum is a complex educational proposal, as demands from the student the integration of kinds of learning very different in nature. It is also a complex proposal because optimizing its educative potential requires joint and coordinated action form involved institutions, that is, from academic environment and professional environment. In fact, the very possibility of integrated learning on the part of the student depends on the existence of a real dynamic exchange and translation process between both contexts. A global assessment of the practicum and its results would probably be premature, but some kind of reflection on its nature as an educational proposal and experience seems a necessary previous requirement of any potential assessment. Our purpose in this papers to offer that kind of reflections, based upon benefits, risks and potentialities observed along these two years. Special emphasis is made on the role of the academic tutor in the practicum design and development


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How to Cite

Marhuenda Fluixà, F., & Molpeceres Pastor, M. A. La Tutoría desde la Universidad. Como factor de calidad formativa del “Practicum”. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (70), 40–49. Retrieved from

