Delimitación conceptual del constructo Burnout


  • Enrique Garcés de los Fayos Ruiz Grupo Algama (Clave Formación y Consultoría). Unidad de Murcia


Motivation, Burnout, stress


In this work are pretended make a conceptual delimitation of the burnout construct, attempting to travel the literature that to the reference has been generated, historically with the finality of knowing what a tentative it is burnout, at fewer like psychological phenomenon that, to the view, affect or could affect to a vide I number of people. From a theoretical perspective, and after the revision of the existent literature form origin of the term (1974), we tried to offer some lines for their future discussion


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How to Cite

Garcés de los Fayos Ruiz, E. Delimitación conceptual del constructo Burnout. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (68), 15–23. Retrieved from