Trastorno por déficit de atención: un modelo de Intervención Psicoeducativa.


  • Lourdes Huertas Romera Psicóloga. Gabinete Psicopedagógico.


Attention deficit disorder, psychoeducational intervention, self-control, self-observing functions, self mastery reinforced


This article poses the treatment process wich has been developing in a case of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Data of initial diagnosis assessment are include. It describes the intervention areas and the criteria to select different techniques and strategies that were used in the psychoeducational programe.

All the activities performed and the difficulties avised during the training sessions have been analized in addition to how the skills learned from a situation become over generalized to a large classroom situation.

Finally, it analizes the results achieved afther the programe performed.

As a conclusion it could be pointed our of the competence of combinated programmes about cognitive and conductual technicals (self-control training, self-observing functions, and self mastery reinforced) in acquirement of atentional strategics


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How to Cite

Huertas Romera, L. Trastorno por déficit de atención: un modelo de Intervención Psicoeducativa. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (68), 62–67. Retrieved from