Psychological Expert Report in Canonical Marriage Annulment Process


  • Mª Teresa Bobes Bascarán Especialista en Psicología Clínica. Doctora en Psicología. Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamientos Psicológicos de la Universidad de Valencia. Perito oficial del Tribunal Eclesiástico Metropolitano de Valencia
  • Jorge García Montagud Doctor en Derecho. Profesor Contratado Doctor de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Católica de Valencia. Vicario Judicial del Tribunal Eclesiástico Metropolitano de Valencia.



Canonical Expert Evaluation, Canonical Marriage Annulment, Canon 1095, Insufficient use of reason, Discretion of judgement, Inability to assume


The canonical annulment is one that declares that a marriage has never existed because according to the Code of Canon Law (CDC) it actually fell short of at least one of the essential elements required for a binding union. There are three main grounds of invalid marriages: the operation of a lead impediment, the defect or vice of consent and the defect of form. At present, 85% of causes that promote the onset of the process are of psychological nature. These are gathered in Can. 1095: insufficient use of reason, severe defect of discretion of judgement concerning the essential matrimonial rights and duties and inability to assume the essential obligations of marriage due to causes of psychic nature. The canonical expert witness evaluation share much of the methodology used in other fields of forensic practice, such as the study of means, a psychobiographical interview and complementary information obtained through the administration of psychometric tests. Finally, main psychological abnormalities that are known to incapacitate to canonical marriage will be described


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How to Cite

Bobes Bascarán, M. T., & García Montagud , J. (2017). Psychological Expert Report in Canonical Marriage Annulment Process. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (114), 105–118.