Intervention in synthetic cannabis use disorder: a case study.


  • Abel Baquero Escribano Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera Grupo Investigación TXP Proyecto Amigó
  • Juan Robledillo Martín Proyecto Amigó
  • Isabel Vilimenlis Cabedo Proyecto Amigó
  • Miguel Monfort Montoliu Proyecto Amigó
  • Mihaela Gabriela Dalae Proyecto Amigó
  • José Miguel Sanlucas Peréz Proyecto Amigó



Synthetic cannabinoids, Therapeutic intervention, Substance use disorders, Residential treatment.


Introduction: The consumption of synthetic cannabis is a growing reality within the attention to the disorders by consumption of new psychoactive substances; the difficulty in its detection, low cost and easy access to the substance would be related to this increase in consumption. The effects, treatments and possible consequences of the use of this substance are subject of study.Case presentation: We discuss the clinical case and intervention of a male diagnosed with a synthetic cannabis use disorder in the context of a residential treatment in a therapeutic community. With the intervention designed the patient maintains abstinence and an incipient autonomous functionality facilitating discharge after compliance with the program. Conclusions: The intervention in patients consuming synthetic cannabis is a therapeutic context in which it is beginning to investigate, being necessary to design new care proposals, detecting the effects and pharmacodynamics of the substance.


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How to Cite

Baquero Escribano, A., Robledillo Martín, J., Vilimenlis Cabedo, I., Monfort Montoliu, M., Dalae, M. G., & Sanlucas Peréz , J. M. (2019). Intervention in synthetic cannabis use disorder: a case study. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (117), 88–98.

