Papel del Psicólogo en el diagnóstico diferencial de la Hipersomnia, a propósito de un caso


  • Francisca Real
  • Carmen Hellín
  • Pedro Ortíz
  • M.A. Merino
  • Gloria Zalve


For years a diagnosis of an unreasonable hypersonnia has been developed without undertaking complementary psychologycal research.

The development of this diagnosis is vital in order to find the exact theory that will explain unreasonable hypersonnia when psychological causes are not found to be presented.

It isn't our objetive to present research for sleeping disorders but to explain a concrete case commonly found in our hospital ward.

From hare we will undertake a psychological analysis as a complementary test, therefore rejecting the mentoned etiology related with hypersonnia.


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How to Cite

Real, F., Hellín, C., Ortíz, P., Merino, M., & Zalve, G. Papel del Psicólogo en el diagnóstico diferencial de la Hipersomnia, a propósito de un caso. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (62), 72–74. Retrieved from