Emotional intelligence, empathy and disruptive behaviour: a pilot study in a primary education classroom


  • Marta Corral-Martínez Universidad Internacional de Valencia
  • Ana María Gómez- Cuevas




Disruptive behavior, Primary education, Emotional intelligence, Empathy


Disruptive behavior is one of the problems that teachers face in the classroom. Previous studies have shown that affective variables such as empathy and emotional intelligence are variables related to a lower presence of problematic behaviors. The present work is a pilot study in which the frequency (high and low) of the disruptive behaviors in a group of primary school students (N=25) were assessed, as well as their relationship with emotional intelligence and empathy. Disruptive behavior was measured with Disruptive behavior questionnaire (Simón, Gómez & Alonso-Tapia, 2013); Empathy was assessed with the Spanish version of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1983), and the Spanish version of Bar-on's EQ-YV (1997) was used for the Emotional intelligence assessment. The results show a negative relationship between different dimensions of emotional intelligence and empathy with the frequency of disruptive behaviors. Likewise, a higher level of emotional intelligence and empathy was related to less frequency of mild and severe disruptive behaviors. No differences between boys and girls were showed.


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Author Biography

Marta Corral-Martínez, Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Profesora adjunta.


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How to Cite

Corral-Martínez, M., & Gómez- Cuevas , A. M. (2021). Emotional intelligence, empathy and disruptive behaviour: a pilot study in a primary education classroom. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (121), 118–128. https://doi.org/10.14635/IPSIC.2021.121.5

