Smartphone Addiction and Impulsivity

How long does it take you to answer a Whatsapp message?


  • Amparo Luján Barrera Universidad de Valencia
  • Matías Denis Cácaro Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación (UNAE)



Mobile phone dependence, smartphone addiction, instant messaging, text messages addiction, immediacy of response, impulsivity, urgency


Mobile phone dependence has been a widely debated topic in the scientific community, because of its definition as well as its existence. Immediate texting has been described as impulsive behavior related to mobile dependence. Impulsivity is a central factor in the development and maintenance of addictive behaviors. In the present experiment, the role of reaction time to text messages as a predictor of smartphone addiction was analyzed. For this purpose, the relationship between response time to text messages in various situations, smartphone dependence and impulsivity has been analyzed in a sample of 231 participants.


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How to Cite

Luján Barrera, A., & Denis Cácaro, M. (2022). Smartphone Addiction and Impulsivity: How long does it take you to answer a Whatsapp message?. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (123), 24–38.