Trajectory of psychological capital in adolescent students from Entre Ríos


  • Fátima Soledad Schönfeld Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. CONICET
  • Belén Mesurado Universidad Austral. CONICET



adolescence, trajectory, psychological capital, education.


Psychological capital refers to a state of psychological development made up of four strengths or resources: efficacy, optimism, hope and resilience. The objective of the work is to know the trajectory of psychological capital in high school students from Entre Ríos, Argentina, in three moments of their school journey. The design is quantitative, being a longitudinal study. The sampling used was intentional non-probabilistic. The sample was made up of schooled adolescents from Entre Ríos. It consisted of 313 subjects for the first time, 280 for the second and 249 for the third. The ages ranged from 12 to 17 years. Regarding the instrument, the adaptation to the educational context carried out in a sample of secondary students from Argentina (Schönfeld & Mesurado, 2019) of the abbreviated version of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire - PCQ was used. Analyzes of Latent Growth Curve Models were performed. The findings indicate that the trajectory of efficacy can be explained through a linear change model, the changes in optimism are explained through a quadratic model, those in hope through a linear model and those in resilience through a no-change model.


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How to Cite

Schönfeld, F. S., & Mesurado, B. (2024). Trajectory of psychological capital in adolescent students from Entre Ríos. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (125-126), 14–30.