Adherence to physical exercise and improvement in physical and psychological parameters in an elderly person. Case analysis.


  • Eugenio Antonio Pérez Córdoba Universidad de Sevilla
  • Omar Estrada Contreras CEU Cardenal Spínola
  • Paula Rivas Campoy Universidad de Sevilla



psychological intervention, motivation, older adults, exercise, adherence.


Scientific evidence supports that the practice of exercise generates physical and psychological benefits in older adults, but to achieve them, adherence to programs adapted to their needs is necessary. The objective of the intervention is to initiate an 80-year-old adult, with a sedentary lifestyle and chronic diseases, into physical-sports practice. For this, we worked on her motivation using psychological tools such as goal setting, positive reinforcement and self-instruction training. The results obtained showed positive increases in physical parameters and psychological variables such as perception of quality of life, general self-efficacy, regulation of motivation, and an increase in autonomous behaviors. According to the results obtained, the objective of this study was met, since the participant was able to start and complete the personalized training program. In this way we can say that the combination of physical exercise together with training in psychological skills can improve adherence to training programs and therefore obtain benefits in the health of older adults.


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How to Cite

Pérez Córdoba, E. A., Estrada Contreras, O., & Rivas Campoy, P. (2023). Adherence to physical exercise and improvement in physical and psychological parameters in an elderly person. Case analysis. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (124), 105–116.