The Art of University Education and Academic Research in Psychology in Costa Rica. 2013-2014 Period


  • Alfonso Villalobos Pérez
  • Cristina Jungue
  • Alejandro Monge-Salazar
  • Katia Vargas-Fallas



, Costa Rica, Psychology, Academic Research, Superior Education, University.


Psychology in Costa Rica started its historic development in the 1930´s.  After this date, in the second part of the 20th Century, academic processes were established which influenced the upcoming of the first Psychology Department: In the 80´s and 90´s, these academic units expanded into a diverse amount of private and public universities.  This study was oriented in revising the State of Art of formation in this discipline and the conditions of research of this science in Costa Rica.   For this purpose, questionnaires were applied to departments, research centers, and regulatory organs of national Psychology.  For receiving little feedback on questionnaires (two questionnaires answered of 21 universities which impart Psychology and two psychological and related sciences research centers); anyhow, it resulted possible to ascertain that Costa Rican Psychology has constructed an academically oriented training with minor weight on academic research.  The university that counts with major tradition, also draws benefits from a better financing system and qualified personal formed abroad.  Other educational institutions are starting an approximation to research.  It is to be awaited that national accreditation processes allow and facilitate a rather positive panorama for the Costa Rican academic development and education in Psychology in the upcoming years in general


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How to Cite

Villalobos Pérez, A., Jungue, C., Monge-Salazar, A., & Vargas-Fallas, K. (2015). The Art of University Education and Academic Research in Psychology in Costa Rica. 2013-2014 Period. INFORMACIO PSICOLOGICA, (109), 19–37.